Story by Jean-Luc de Krahe, images provided by Yahn Janou

THE ART OF YAHN JANOU. EMOTIONS IN MOTION Based near Paris, French artist Yahn Janou is graduated in the Art Center College of Design. He made his reputation in the world of motor sport artists with oil on canvas. .

Yahn Janou's art is not focused on depicting historical motorsport moments. He doesn't just paint the race and its atmosphere. His talent depicts the emotion of the moment. In full freedom and independence. On the track or in the pits, the viewer is invited to literally enter his work.

In the fury and brutality of the fight or in the concentration of mechanics' work, the tension is palpable. The action is present or imminent. Something important is happening or will happen. The view’s choices, the importance of volumes, the use of light, the attitude of the actors, all contribute to solicit and free the viewer’s imagination to open the field of emotions.

His technical choices are integral part of this desire to create an emotional relationship of great intensity between the artwork and the viewer. Through the way using tools, knife and brushes, through the vibrations emitted by the oil he uses generously, through the limited color choices, through the roughness, sometimes, of the bare canvas, his paintings literally radiate.

That’s why I love his work. Because this Artist suggests me to use my brain and senses to project myself into the motor racing world. A world which is part of my life since my childhood.

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motor>spirit - Rob Alen